Photo Credit: Reuters

Auma Obama, the half-sister of former President Barack Obama, recently recounted a troubling experience to CNN after being tear-gassed during a tax protest in Kenya. The incident occurred despite the peaceful nature of the protests, where young Kenyans gathered with flags and banners to express their opposition to a finance bill being debated in the General Assembly.

In a video shared by CNN, Auma is seen visibly affected by the tear gas, coughing and expressing disbelief at the use of force against demonstrators. "They're being tear-gassed, they're being tear-gassed!" she exclaimed, highlighting the intensity and unexpectedness of the situation.

Born and raised in the remote village of Nyang'oma Kogelo, Kenya, Auma has been an advocate for social justice and community development throughout her life. Her connection to her half-brother, Barack Obama, began in their twenties, marking a familial tie that has seen her engage in various humanitarian efforts and advocacy work over the years.

Auma's response to the tear-gassing reflects broader concerns about civil liberties and government accountability in Kenya. She questioned the authorities' decision to use such tactics against peaceful protesters, emphasizing the importance of listening to the voices of the younger generation who represent the future of the country.

The incident underscores ongoing socio-political tensions in Kenya, where protests and demonstrations are often a means for citizens to voice their concerns and hold their leaders accountable. Auma's experience not only sheds light on the challenges faced by activists and protesters but also amplifies her voice in advocating for peaceful and constructive dialogue as a pathway to addressing societal issues.

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