Photo Credit:Reuters

South Africa is facing a renewed outbreak of mpox, a viral illness previously known as monkeypox. The National Institute for Communicabl Diseases (NICD) confirmed five laboratory-identified cases, with two tragically resulting in fatalities, as of June 12, 2024. This marks the
first mpox outbreak in the country since 2022.

“A global outbreak of mpox disease has been ongoing since 2022,” said Dr. Joe Phaahla, Minister of Health for South Africa, in a press release. “South Africa is among the countries currently experiencing the outbreak.” Mpox spreads through close physical contact with infected individuals and contaminated objects.

The recent cases were identified in Gauteng (2) and KwaZulu-Natal (3) provinces. The NICD reports ongoing efforts to identify and monitor potential contacts. "The outbreak response teams in KwaZulu-Natal identified a total of 38 contacts," according to their official report. These contactsincluded household members, hospital staff, partners, and friends, with one case indicating contact with multiple sexual partners.

Public health officials are concerned about the potential for further spread. “We continue with epidemiological and surveillance activities to identify cases for investigation,” said the NICD.

This outbreak coincides with a larger global trend. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports over 97,000 confirmed cases and 186 deaths from mpox across 117 countries in the first four months of 2024 alone.

While there is currently no registered treatment for mpox in South Africa, the disease typically presents with a fever, headache, muscle  aches, swollen lymph nodes, and a characteristic rash. Most cases are mild and resolve on their own within a few weeks. However, as the recent fatalities demonstrate, mpox can be serious for some individuals.

South Africa’s Department of Health is expected to provide further updates on the outbreak and their response strategies in the coming days.

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