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Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist, the beloved duo from "The Golden Bachelor," have announced their divorce . Their journey, which began with love blooming on the show's first season and culminated in a televised wedding earlier this year, came to a bittersweet end. In an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America" on Friday, Turner shared, "Theresa and I have had a number of heart-to-heart conversations...and we've kind of come to the conclusion mutually that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage."

Despite the outpouring of love and support from fans inspired by their story, Turner and Nist are firm in their decision. Turner proposed to Nist during the season finale of "The Golden Bachelor," marking a moment of hope for many. However, their attempt to make it work ultimately led them to the realization that it's best for their individual happiness to part ways.
Their decision to split comes as a surprise, especially after both expressed unwavering commitment to each other. Nist explained, "We looked at homes in South Carolina, we considered New Jersey...but we never got to the point where we made that decision." Despite the challenges of being in the public eye and facing scrutiny, they maintain that external factors did not influence their choice.
Throughout the interview, the couple emphasized that their love for each other remains unchanged. Turner expressed, "I still love this person...I root for her every day," while Nist echoed, "Yeah, I still love him." Despite the end of their marriage, they encourage others to remain hopeful in their search for love, drawing from their own experiences of finding love later in life after losing their high school sweethearts.
As they navigate the aftermath of their separation, Turner and Nist will return their rings but cherish the memories they've created together. With a prenuptial agreement in place, they offer advice to others and wish the best for the upcoming Golden Bachelorette. Though their paths may diverge, both remain optimistic about finding love once again.
Jeff Ian.

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