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A video surfaced on various social media platforms allegedly showing Stacia Mac, rapper Polo G's mother shooting at her daughter Leilani Capalot. She is seen yelling and chasing her daughter before shooting at her. This incident allegedly happened at Mac's home. After the video circulated, both Stacia and Leilani took to social media to address the matter.

Stacia Mac accuses her daughter of being jealous and malicious. “I've removed myself from your life! You're feeding the blogs again when I haven't spoken to you in months?!” she wrote on her Instagram stories. Mac accuses her daughter of attacking her in her house after having a manic episode. According to Mac, Leilani has been drinking and passing out everywhere refusing treatment “time and time again.”

“Baby I'm a damn good shot. I wanted her off my property not hurt,” Mac continued, seemingly confirming that he shot at her daughter. She claims that Leilani lied to her father that she was shot at 16 times. Mac claims that  Capalot is jealous of her, reminding people of a tweet her daughter tweeted on X regarding her not getting any brunch invites and business deals.

“How I leak a personal video from your ring camera?” Leilani said, regarding Mac accusing her of leaking the video showing her being shot at. “You sent the video out thinking it was funny and somebody leaked it to the blogs! Take accountability for your actions!” Leilani further wrote, “May God heal the jealousy and envy you have in your heart for your own flesh and blood. May God grant you Wisdom, maturity, support, guidance spiritual and self-awareness, AMEN”

According to Leilani, she was attacked verbally, emotionally, physically, provoked shot at and had her luggage stolen, therefore triggering a manic episode. She claims that she is not the only child her mother has tried to murder and bragged  about it. “ I still did not seek legal action or council although she attempted to use her money and resources to have me arrested, my accounts removed etc,” she wrote. “I am in extensive therapy and I hope she can do the same.”

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