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Ashlee Braxton exposed some details about her family and childhood, leaving fans to speculate on who she was particularly talking about. Ashlee Braxton is the daughter of the Braxton’s older brother, Michael Braxton. Ashlee has alleged her childhood has been very disturbing and also claims her mother abandoned her. She also went ahead to say that her father remarried and her stepmother was abusive to her and her sister, Lolo Braxton. She claims her father was also abusive to them and their stepmother hence brewing a toxic environment. Ashlee then moved out of the country and her sister Lolo Braxton died from a tragic drug overdose.


Ashlee Braxton also shared a story about how one of her famous aunt cut her off and stopped talking to her because she thought Ashlee was having an inappropriate interaction with her husband. Ashlee claims this incident happened when she was 16 years old. In the 15 minutes story time shared on TikTok, she captioned the series of videos, “ You know the Braxton legacy, but this is my legacy in the making (My story).”

Ashlee Braxton did not name-drop which of her aunts cut her off —the late Traci, Trina, Tamar Toni, or Towanda—her story applies to. Ashlee admitted that she’s been a “nervous wreck” while contemplating whether to tell her story. In the first video, Ashlee claims her stepmother went through her phone and found text messages with her aunt’s husband and this made her father inform her sister of what was going on.

“My aunt was there for me. She was very kind, very nice and was like ‘I’m so sorry that this happened to you.’ She was very kind, and it just felt safe. But then, as the years have gone by, it’s like that mood and that assumption that I didn’t do anything because I was a child was not that assumption anymore.” The now 32 year old, Ashlee Braxton alleged that nothing happened between her and her aunt’s husband aside from text messages.

“It just felt like love from my family was cut off and gone and you’re like but wait, that guy? And it made it even worse because it was like this guy that was doing this to you on TV? And it’s kind of…in the same spirit of what was happening,” Ashlee shared.

Towards the end of the video, Ashlee stated that she plans to return to the U.S. to “confront” these issues head-on. As Ashlee’s story gained attention, many social media users began speculating about which Braxton sister she was referring to. Unfortunately, many fingers pointed at Trina Braxton and her ex-husband Gabe, who were featured on the sister’s reality series, “Braxton Family Values.”

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