Photo Credit: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

While attending the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks   Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump set aside their political differences to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 attacks. The two rivals, who had clashed on the debate stage just hours earlier, came together at Ground Zero in New York City to honor the victims and heroes of that fateful day.

The solemn ceremony at the World Trade Center site saw Harris and Trump, along with President Joe Biden and Trump's running mate JD Vance, standing side by side as family members read the names of the fallen. In a brief but significant moment, Harris and Trump shook hands, a gesture that stood in stark contrast to their heated exchanges during the previous night's debate.

John Miller, a political analyst, noted, "This handshake, while seemingly small, represents the enduring strength of American democracy. Even fierce political opponents can come together in moments of national significance."

The day's events were not without tension, however. During the ceremony, a bystander reportedly called out to Trump, questioning his absence from previous memorials. This incident underscored the lingering political undercurrents even on such a somber occasion.

Following the New York ceremony, both Harris and Trump were scheduled to attend memorial services in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon. These visits highlight the ongoing importance of remembering all three sites impacted by the 9/11 attacks.

In a separate  statement, Harris emphasized the day's solemnity, saying, "We stand in solidarity with the families and loved ones of those we lost." Trump, speaking to Fox News, described 9/11 as "a very, very sad, horrible day" unlike any other in history.

The bipartisan nature of the day's events was further emphasized by the presence of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who stood between Trump and Biden during a group photograph.

While the memorial services provided a temporary reprieve from campaign rhetoric, the political landscape remained active. A CNN poll suggested that Harris had outperformed Trump in their debate, with 63% of registered viewers favoring her performance.

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