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Robert De Niro's confrontation with Trump supporters outside a Manhattan courthouse exemplifies the tension and drama surrounding the 2024
presidential campaign, where celebrities are increasingly becoming vocal supporters of President Joe Biden. High-profile figures such as George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and former President Barack Obama are involved in fundraising efforts, with events like an upcoming Los Angeles
fundraiser featuring an interview by Jimmy Kimmel.

Celebrities like Steven Spielberg, Lenny Kravitz, Barbra Streisand, and James Taylor are contributing to Biden's campaign throug performances and storytelling efforts. Others, including Connie Britton, Carole King, Shonda Rhimes, Christina Aguilera, Queen Latifah, and Mark Hamill, have also shown their support through various activities like sending fundraising emails and organizing events.

Young actress Lexi Underwood is using her platform to promote voter engagement and awareness, participating in campaign events and virtual
gatherings focused on important issues like women's health. The Biden campaign emphasizes using authentic and trusted messengers to highlight
the president's policy achievements and counter GOP extremism, featuring everyday supporters in ads and public appearances.

Despite the enthusiasm of celebrity supporters, there is skepticism about their ability to sway votes significantly. Experts like David Schmid argue that while celebrities can influence cultural aspirations, their impact on voting behavior is often overstated. This sentiment is echoed by individuals like Alex Dillion, who prioritize political figures like Obama over celebrity endorsements.

For Biden, maintaining a connection with ordinary Americans remains crucial. His campaign strategies include engaging with community activists and highlighting relatable stories to bridge the gap between elite endorsements and the everyday voter. Celebrities' involvement aims to inject excitement into the campaign, but the focus remains on authentic engagement and addressing the real issues faced by Americans.

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