Photo Credit: Glenn Francis 

John Legend, the 45-year-old EGOT winner, celebrated his and Chrissy Teigen's son, Miles Theodore, turning six on Thursday, May 16.

 To mark the occasion, Legend shared a series of photos highlighting cherished father-son moments. The images featured Miles beaming with festive balloons, lounging in a chair, posing in traditional attire from a family trip to Thailand, and playing with one of his younger siblings.

Among the photos, Miles was also seen enjoying time on a tennis court and sharing a serene moment with Teigen in the water.

Legend captioned his post, "Our beautiful big boy Miles Theodore turns 6 today!" He went on to praise Miles for being "so smart, loving and big-hearted and somehow very good at sports despite his father." He concluded with, "We love you, Miles!

In an October interview with PEOPLE, Legend mentioned that Miles takes his big brother responsibilities seriously. Legend and Teigen, 38, also have daughters Luna Simone, 8, Esti Maxine, 1, and son Wren Alexander, 10 months.

Legend acknowledged that it initially took Miles some time to adjust to not being the youngest anymore. "But he's really grown into being a great older brother, and Luna's a wonderful older sister," he noted. "They love holding their little siblings, playing with them, and they've embraced their roles well."

Now a family of six, the household is bustling with activity. In February, Teigen shared on The Jennifer Hudson Show about life with four children. "Everyone asks, ‘How are the babies?’ And I say, ‘There’s a lot of them!’ It’s chaotic, but so good," she toldHudson. "There are so many things they do every day, and they never get tired.”Now, the family of six is enjoying their full house. In February, Teigen opened up about having four little ones during an appearance on The Jennifer Hudson Show.

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