Photo credit:Ryan Smith

Cardi B has made a bold decision saying she won't be casting her vote in the upcomin  2024 United States presidential election. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, she candidly expressed her disillusionment with both major candidates, President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump. Her exact words were, “I don’t f**k with both of y’all n*ggas”.

During the 2020 primaries and election, Cardi B actively supported Bernie Sanders and later Joe Biden. However, her stance has shifted dramatically. While she saw Trump’s presidency as a significant threat, she has felt “layers and layers of disappointment” during the Biden
administration. The high cost of living combined with low, stagnant wages, along with international conflicts, has left her feeling betrayed by the political system.

She pointedly stated, “I feel like people got betrayed. It’s just like, damn, y’all not caring about nobody. Then, it really gets me upset that there is solutions to it. There is a solution. I know there’s a solution because you’re spending billions of dollars on any fucking thing.”

She revoked her support for Biden when he promised funding for Ukraine in its war against Russia and for Israel in its conflict with Gaza. She found this contradictory to massive domestic spending cuts, especially in her hometown of New York. Additionally, she expressed concern that artists of color can be “blackballed” for discussing the war in Gaza. According to her, America shouldn't engage in endless wars for countries that have been
suffering for a long time.

She emphasized, “There’s countries kids are getting killed every single day, but because the (U.S.)won’t benefit from that country, they won’t help. I don’t like that America has this superhero cape on. We never did things to be superheroes. We never did things to be superheroes. We did things for our own convenience.

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