Photo Credit:Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images

Azealia Banks is not new to controversy and has never shied from expressing her controversial opinions. Her latest “victim” is Beyoncé, she claims that in as much as she loves Beyoncé, her whisky brand name “SirDavis” is ghetto. Banks began her Twitter rant on Thursday night, saying, “I’m sorry Beyoncé I love you down, but ‘SIRDAVIS’ is a horrible name for a luxury spirits brand. It’s so ghetto. It’s giving 1980’s hood Francophile ‘Latoya, Shaniqua’ teas. Change the name to ‘Renaissance.’ That’s actually a marketing slay.”

She continued to criticize the name, adding, “Renaissance whisky gives me classy successful handsome older black man with the good cologne & the good teeth / spent $500,000 buying out some superbowl box seats / expensive legacy d**k. ‘Sir Davis’ is giving southern comfort / e&J with some matted dreads and dry knuckles.” The whisky is named in honor of Davis Hogue, Knowles-Carter’s paternal great-grandfather, who was a farmer and a moonshiner in the American South during Prohibition.

This isn’t the first time Banks has gone after Beyoncé. Previously, she accused the singer and her husband, Jay-Z, of launching a “smear campaign” against her for her criticism of Beyoncé’s country music phase.

“I’ve always been drawn to the power and confidence I feel when drinking quality whisky and wanted to invite more people to experience that feeling. When I discovered that my great-grandfather had been a moonshine man, it felt like my love for whisky was fated. SirDavis is a way for me to pay homage to him, uniting us through a new shared legacy. In partnering with Moët Hennessy, we have crafted a delicious American whisky that respects tradition but also empowers people to experience something new and unique in the category,” Beyoncé explained the choice of her brand name.

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