Photo Credit: Rachel/Instagram

Ms. Rachel is providing a point of view regarding a trying time.

The YouTuber, who is married to Aron Accurso and has a 6-year-old son named Thomas, revealed that she had miscarried before giving birth to her only child.

The 41-year-old, whose full name is Rachel Griffin-Accurso, naturally gave her own unique opening statement about the circumstances by posting a song on Instagram about her rainbow baby—a term used to characterize children born after a miscarriage or other loss.

Ms. Rachel plays the piano song, Rainbow baby, dream come true/RRainbow baby if you knew. Every prayer we said for you has come true, rainbow baby.

The former preschool teacher contacted her followers in the caption, extending her heart to those who may have experienced a similar circumstance.

Even though he's grown up now, my rainbow baby will always be my rainbow baby, she wrote. To anyone who understands, so much love.

Ms. Rachel reposted the video on her Instagram Story, stating, If you can relate to this song, I'm sorry for your loss. I cherish you.

And although Ms. Rachel's videos on the internet attracted young fans worldwide, she was inspired to start her series by her son Thomas because she couldn't find a show that would help him overcome a speech delay.

“As a parent, you want to do anything you can to help them,” she shared on the Today show in December 2022. “A lot of things I teach are things I wish I had known for my son.”

She said at the time her son was struggling around age 2, she was desperate for resources to help.

“I kept searching for this show for him, and we couldn’t find it,” she noted. “So I was like, ‘Maybe we could try to create it, and maybe it would help more kids.’ But we didn’t imagine anything like this.”

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