Photo Credit:Nicki Minaj/YouTube

The “Princess Diana” rapper has been involved in public feuds, notably with fellow rapper and collaborator, Nicki Minaj, Latto, her ex-best friend Baby Storme and now, Cleopatra. In a TikTok shared on September 2, 2024, Cleo shared a story about touring with Ice Spice. “You can fall out with a friend over miscommunications, misunderstandings, that’s ok,” she said. “But you only have one time to show me that you are jealous, intimidated, untrustworthy, fake, disloyal.”

Cleo went ahead to claim that she was not given enough time to prepare for the tour and that she was invited to perform a day to the tour. According to Cleo, Spice had assured her that they would be staying together and all expenses covered, however that was not the case. “I was played, betrayed & unpaid,” she explained, “I never had a problem with not being paid btw I knew. I just want everyone to stop thinking I was paid cause I wasn’t.” 

The very same day after Cleopatra exposed Ice Spice, Spice took to Instagram to clap back at her “friend.” “The scary part of fame honestly is the moment that somebody feels like they can no longer use your platform or like they’re not getting exactly what they want out of a situation
the way that they want it … That’s when they decide to crash out every single time. I’m noticing a pattern.”

According to Cleo, Ice only invited her to her tour in order to rebuild her image after Baby Storme exposed her for calling Nicki Minaj bitter and jealous. She claims she now sees Ice Spice as very calculated and only uses her for her rollouts and other promotions. She went ahead to say she is shedding light on the tour because she feels like people should know Ice's true character.

Cleotrapa claims she was mistreated by Ice Spice and her team and recalled multiple tour mishaps. Production would stick her in bathrooms claiming they didn’t have a dressing room for her and she was forced to come out of pocket for her hotel rooms until Ice Spice’s hairdresser let her stay with her. She claimed production told her she wasn’t in the budget and refused to pay for a chicken salad.

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