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Safaree and Erica Mena met on the set of the reality show “Scared Famous” for the first time. From the moment they met, the two instantly connected and by 2018, the two got into a relationship. Fans were blown away by their on screen chemistry and their dedication toward each other while they were still working for Love and Hip-hop. The two tied the knot on October 2019, however, after only two years, model and reality star, Erica Mena filed for divorce while still being pregnant with their child Legend. “I’ve found so many lessons that I needed to learn, and I was able to tap into, like, I attracted this energy into my life. I’ve had some faults in my marriage, but at the same time I’ve also swept so much under the rug, and I think that’s why I got taken advantage of — because for the first time I thought I was safe,” she explained, talking about her divorce, during a love and hip-hop reunion. According to Mena, Samuels was emotionally unavailable and cheated on her numerous times, even when she was pregnant.

 After their divorce, Safaree Samuels went ahead to express that even though he is depicted asa happy man living lavishly, he at times deals with pain and has been struggling with co- parenting and the aftermath of his divorce. “Who wants to get married, have kids, and then end up here? I wouldn’t have thought that two years later this is where we would’ve been,” the rapper and reality TV star said, reflecting on his failed marriage. He also went ahead to say that he hopes he and Erica Mena find peace, so that they can be able to co-parent in the best way possible.

A day ago, Erica Mena took to Instagram to claim that Samuels does not see his children, and if he does, it is only for photos that will later be posted on social media. She claims that Samuels lives just 30 minutes away but never makes effort to see his children. “You already go months at a time in not seeing these babies by choice, you went two months this last go round,” Mena said. She also accused him of only showing up at their son's Legend's party empty-handed and never offers to pay for anything. Mena also shared pictures of their son, Legend's braids, and their daughter Safire's ponytails, which were messy.

Erica Mena also claims when Safaree had the children over for the weekend, he did not take the initiative to get their children's braids redone. She went ahead to say that even though his sister and mother were present and could have helped with her children's hair, none of them took the initiative to. In a similar post, Mena uploaded an image of their daughter with her hair in a messy ponytail. She questioned how Safaree could be wealthy and flaunt his many diamonds and luxuries while failing to take pride in their children. Erica Mena claims that Safaree does not help with their children's school, healthcare and even their birthdays. She went ahead to say that the main reason why Safaree does not help with their children's grooming and overall well-being is because he is trying to hurt her.

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