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Some newly released court documents have exposed the dire financial state of Michael Jackson at the time of his death in 2009. The iconic pop star, known for his record-breaking albums and extravagant lifestyle, was reportedly over $500 million in debt when he passed away at the age of 50.
The documents, filed as part of an ongoing legal battle between Jackson's estate and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), paint a grim picture of the singer's finances. John Branca, co-executor of Jackson's estate, stated in his deposition, "Michael's spending habits far outpaced his earnings in the years leading up to his death. The $500 million debt was a result of years of financial mismanagement and lavish expenditures."
Financial analyst Karen Malone, who reviewed the court filings, commented, "Jackson's debt was primarily composed of high-interest loans, unpaid taxes, and outstanding bills to various creditors. It's a stark contrast to the public perception of his wealth."
The singer's Neverland Ranch, once valued at $100 million, had fallen into disrepair and was heavily mortgaged. Jackson's former financial advisor, Barry Siegel, revealed in his testimony that the property alone carried a debt of $23 million at the time of the pop star's death.
Jackson's spending habits were notoriously extravagant. Former bodyguard Matt Fiddes recounted, "Michael would think nothing of dropping $500,000 in a single shopping spree. His love for antiques and art often led to million-dollar purchases on a whim."
Despite the mounting debt, Jackson's music catalog, particularly his ownership of the Beatles' publishing rights, was still considered extremely valuable. Music industry expert Bob Lefsetz noted, "The irony is that while Jackson was cash-poor, his assets, especially his music rights, were worth hundreds of millions."
The revelation has sparked debates about financial management in the entertainment industry. Celebrity accountant David Levin remarked, "This case underscores the importance of sound financial advice, even for the biggest stars. It's a cautionary tale for all artists."
In the years following Jackson's death, his estate has worked tirelessly to repay the debt and turn a profit. Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman stated, "Through careful management and new deals, we've not only cleared the debt but have generated over $2 billion in revenue since 2009."
The financial turnaround has been remarkable. Jackson's posthumous earnings have consistently placed him at the top of Forbes' list of highest-earning dead celebrities, raking in $400 million in 2018 alone.
This financial revelation has also reignited discussions about the pressures faced by entertainment icons. Dr. Carole Lieberman, a Beverly Hills psychiatrist, observed, "The need to maintain a larger-than-life image often leads to financial strain. It's a vicious cycle that many celebrities struggle to break."
As the legal proceedings continue, the music world reflects on the complex legacy of Michael Jackson. His artistic brilliance remains undisputed, but these documents reveal a troubled financial reality that lurked behind the glittering facade of the King of Pop's reign.

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