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The game, currently 44 shared photos of his 13 year old daughter California Dream Taylor to celebrate her eighth grade graduation. He also posted a heartfelt message for his daughter, however, he was forced to delete the post because some social media users referred to it as “weird” and “creepy.”

“You are my entire heart & I'm elated & more than proud to be your best friend & dad. I am & will always be by your side, especially when you need me the most. From watching your birth… to watching you effortless excel in all areas in your life has been not only a joy to see… but also an experience. I thank God for you daily,” he captioned. “Thank you so much for being my baby… Now… on to graduation… we gone keep it short. 8th grade, see ya… high-school here we come!! I love you California Dream (heart emojis). Sincerely, your twin.”

After the game posted pictures of him and his daughter, popular websites such ad The Shade Room and The Neighborhood Talk took to Instagram and shared those photos. This left fans torn apart, with others praising him for being a good and present father while others criticized him for being “too weird” with his daughter.

“Y'all sexualize everything… I can tell who's father wasn't in their life,” one wrote. “I feel like it's more about who we know the game to be, which is a pornstar so it just makes the photo off putting… we've seen him with young girls and he's always been the older creeper,” one replied to those defending the game. Those who criticized him were accused of not having father figures in their lives. “You can tell the girls who didn't have dads in their lives. It's sad it's absolutely nothing wrong with those pictures,” one commented.

“He acts weird with her… yes l had a dad and we're close and l sit on my dad's lap and give him kisses! I don't have trauma around that, but he is sometimes too much with her… almost like how some moms can get with their sons.” The game hardly shows his sons on social media as much as he shows his daughter. “He acts as if she's his only child…” “ His pics with his daughter are always inappropriate to me.” The game is yet to respond to all the backlash he has faced concerning his controversial photos with his daughter.

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