Photo Credit: Getty Images

Jolleson shared a photo of Megan Thee Stallion's outfit during a performance and a sketch ofvhis design and wrote, “Do y'all think they knocked my designs off?” He further went to say that he has been working on his art day and night for the last 20 years and it is only fair for him to be paid for his creativity. He claims that being a professional artist has demanded a lot of sacrifice, suffering and Rollercoaster of emotions over the years.


“My creativity is my intellectual property, and my work is the blood, sweat and tears from over my life. When l see my designs getting knocked off without the proper credit, it is crushing to my heart, soul and motivation,” he wrote on Instagram. He claims that the industry lacks integrity and services from sucking the blood from the most creative and vulnerable. He claims that the similarly in the designs may have been a coincidence or not.

Megan's team reached out to Jolleson, denying using his sketches. “Respectfully, this is the first time I'm seeing your design! I'm a 100% sure we did not use your design. We presenting each design house with a mood board,” they texted. “The above sketch was what was approved by our client. I'm happy to get on a call.”

They stated that they were not aware of Jolleson's designs till when he brought the issue up on social media. “I never showed anyone this sketch because it was for the music video for cobra as an option for scale prosthetics and we went a completely different direction,” Megan's stylist, Natalie told Jolleson. He shared the messages on his Instagram stories.

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