Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been barred from serving as a charity trustee for five years after a watchdog investigation uncovered mismanagement of funds at her charity, Fashion for Relief. The Charity Commission inquiry revealed that a significant portion of the charity's funds had been diverted towards unauthorized personal expenses, including stays at luxury hotels and spa treatments. The investigation also found that Campbell’s fellow trustee, Bianka Hellmich, received unauthorized payments totaling £290,000, a violation of the charity's constitution.
Fashion for Relief, which raised funds for charitable causes like Save the Children and the Mayor’s Fund for London, failed to distribute the majority of the funds it raised. Of the total income, only 8.5% was used for charitable grants. Campbell, along with Hellmich and another trustee, Veronica Chou, have been disqualified from charity involvement for their failure to act in the charity's best interests.

The investigation, covering the period between 2016 and 2022, found that over £345,000 was recovered from the charity, with steps taken to safeguard a further £98,000. These funds were redirected to cover Fashion for Relief’s liabilities and to benefit the charitable organizations that were initially intended to receive the money.

Tim Hopkins, part of the investigation team, emphasized that trustees must act responsibly and comply with their legal duties. Fashion for Relief has since been removed from the charity register, bringing an end to the organization’s operations. The inquiry’s findings have sparked discussions about the importance of transparency and governance in charitable organizations.