Photo Credit:Gregg DeGuire / Getty

Adam Housley, Tamera Mowry’s husband has been bashed on social media, following his decision to tweet in support of Donald Trump administration’s idea to ban buying junk food on food stamps. Adam shared a story on how he used to see people cheat the system growing up, however, many social media users were not convinced by his story.

“ As a kid who grew up in neighborhood grocery stores since I was 5, I can’t tell how many times I saw people come in and buy crap food for their kids with food stamps, then open the wallet and use cash for liquor, beer, wine and cigarettes,” he wrote. “ Turn there were those who would reportedly buy a lemon or lime, get the change, walk out the door, throw them away and do it again. Until they had enough change to buy cigarettes or alcohol. As a kid, it pissed me off because there are some people who could really use the help and then there are these working the system.”

Following his remarks, Housley faced online backlash with one writing, “Adam stfu. You’re from Napa that at all points in history has a primarily white population. Which tracks because 70% of SNAP recipients are WHITE in this country. You over there being nosy about food and indulgence like your family don’t own wineries and need cash alcohol buyers.”

When asked what he meant by growing up in a neighborhood grocery store since he was 5, Housley replied, “My parents used every dime they had to open a small neighborhood grocery store. My brother and I basically lived in the backroom as a family, we worked our butts off. I got baseball cards as pay for picking cigarette butts in the planters. Lol. Worked those stores until I left for TV. Brother still runs both of em.”

“My aunt couldn’t afford birthday cakes for her kids. She used her stamps to buy cake mix so her kids could enjoy and feel loved on their birthday. Everything isn’t always about junk,” one wrote, in regards to Housley’s remarks.

“Let’s be real. “Healthy” food is 5 times the cost of regular food, it’s just facts. Make healthy food more affordable and accessible and we won’t have a problem with this, it’s very simple. Organic groceries literally are 3 times more than regular, if you only provide an average of $265 in stamps MONTHLY in Texas, now divide that by 3. Y’all need to think before saying shit,” Timera, an Instagram user wrote.

The Trump administration could be looking to ban the purchase of sugary drinks, candy and more using SNAP – supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program funds. “The one place I would say that we need to really change policy is the SNAP program and food stamps and in school lunches,” Kennedy said. “There, the federal government in many cases is paying for it. And we shouldn’t be subsidizing people to eat poison.”

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