Photo Credit: Jae C. Hong

Before welcoming her baby Rocky Thirteen, Kourtney Kardashian Barker prioritized being intimate with her husband. On this week's episode of
The Kardashians, her mother, Kris Jenner, 68, assists the Lemme co-founder in organizing the nursery for her fourth child. With her husband Travis Barker, 48, away on tour, Kardashian Barker, a then-mother of three, emphasizes the need to have the house ready for his return.

"What if your water broke right now?" Jenner asks as her daughter stands on a ladder, arranging the baby's closet.

"Let's not say that because I’m not ready," replies Kardashian Barker, 45.

Jenner, continuing to help with the nursery, then questions what would happen if Kardashian Barker's water broke after her husband's arrival.

"I need to, like, have sex," Kardashian Barker responds.

Jenner turns to the camera with a shocked expression, mouthing "what" and teasing, "This is how you talk to your mother?"

In a confessional, Jenner finds the conversation inappropriate. "This is TMI. And I don't need to know this. I'm looking at her and thinking, you know, the visual," she jokes. "It's just no, no, just keep it to yourself."

During the scene, Jenner remarks that the conversation is "wild" and questions, "So sex is taking priority over birth?"

"Yeah, because then you can’t have sex for six weeks after," Kardashian Barker explains. "My husband's on a plane coming home."

In May, Kardashian Barker shared her experiences as a mom while answering fan questions on her Instagram Stories. When a new mother asked for tips on a baby who only likes to nap when held, Kardashian Barker shared a crib photo and advised, "Enjoy every second! We do the same. He's never been in his crib. It's my favorite thing in the world," with a white love heart emoji.

During the Q&A, she also discussed her journey with in vitro fertilization (IVF). Responding to a follower who had six failed IVFs and found it debilitating, Kardashian Barker explained, "I stopped after a year of trying (5 failed IVF cycles, 3 retrievals), my body relaxed and I believed in God'splan for my life." She added, "Lots of prayers for whatever was meant to be for us. Also, lots of optimizing my health. Believing in God's plan and saying your prayers is so powerful. All the best!"

New episodes of The Kardashians air every Thursday at 12 a.m. ET on Hulu

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